Discussion with reporter Majda SLÁMOVÁ over her photos from war Ukraine and the perfomance PUTIN IS SKIING /a play about the birth of a killer/

Provocative theatre

Photographer Majda Slámová together with Vojtěch Boháč (editor-in-chief of the Voxpot platform) experienced the invasion of Russian troops in Ukraine and brought testimonies from the bombed Kyiv and other cities.
Majda Slámová works for Voxpot and has also collaborated with Arnika on foreign projects since 2016. She won the jury award at the Czech Press Photo 2012 and the main prize in the Brno sport in objective competition in 2015 too.

We commemorate the International Day for the Right to the Truth Concerning Gross Human Rights Violations and for the Dignity of Victims.

→ Admission to the discussion is free

The event takes place within the project Provoking Theater supported by EEA Funds 2014.-2021.

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