In December, we premiered the new play “Crippletrek – An Adventurous Ride of Clients of the Institute of the Last Campaign.” You can catch the first reruns on 31/1 and 14/2 at Leitnerka!

The author’s staging of Crippletrek is loosely inspired by real stories. It is a grotesque portrayal of illness, poverty, exclusion, and death. It employs distinctive artistic elements, including original puppets, masks, and live music.

The play is part of the Provoking Theatre programming. Like other plays included in it, it tackles topics we consider overlooked or pushed aside from the mainstream of our daily interests, yet exceptionally important. We aim to provoke interest, inspire, and encourage activity. We also plan to accompany Crippletrek with discussions where we will talk about the themes explored in the production after the performance.

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