A loose adaptation of the novel by Daniel Defoe, a play about the conflict between dreams and reality, about the journey from a fantasy world to real life and about the painful transformation from a child into an adult, who retains his childhood as an intangible powerful desire.
Written by and direction: Pavla Dombrovská
Puppets: Jana Francová, Eva Krásenská, Antonín Maloň
Music: Ondřej Kyas, Pavel Drábek
For children 5+ and adults
Duration: 60 minutes
O hře
Technical specification
- Duration: 45 min
- Stage dimensions: 7 x 7 x 3 m (width x depth x height)
- Setup time: 2 hours
- Disassembly time: 1 hour
- Complete darkness needed
- Electricity 400V/32A (230V/16A after consideration)
About performance
A story about the journey from childhood to adulthood. About unfulfilled desires that are soon painfully fulfilled. About a dream, the ocean and the strength to live. It is told by linden wood and its puppeteers, string, percussion and wind-activated instruments.